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Ítem ¿Cuál es el perfil de nuestros estudiantes universitarios? Características del comportamiento emprendedor en el sur de Chile(Universidad del Rosario, 2023-03-13) Yévenes-Jara, Juan Carlos; Mansilla-Obando, Katherine; Guiñez-Cabrera, NatalyLas características del comportamiento emprendedor (cce) forman parte de la personalidad de los seres humanos, las que pueden surgir por las necesidades de logro, de poder y de afiliación. El objetivo de este informe consistió en estudiar las cce de estudiantes universitarios acorde a sus intereses, siendo esto esencial para el diseño de programas de estudios que a través de la educación emprendedora (ee) fortalezcan el desarrollo de nuevas ideas y empresas. Por medio de una metodología cuantitativa, mediante un análisis descriptivo y análisis de varianza (Anova) a diferentes cohortes, se estudian las variables de las cce de 358 estudiantes universitarios de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales (face) (ingeniería comercial, ingeniería civil informática, contador público y auditor) de dos campus universitarios en el sur de Chile. Los hallazgos indicaron que las cce difieren ampliamente con base en las cohortes estudiadas, existiendo diferencias en género y disciplina, no así en la ubicación geográfica. Esta evidencia podría apoyar al diseño de planes de en la educación superior, dada la caracterización de los perfiles de ingreso de los estudiantes universitarios de primer año de la face a las distintas disciplinas educacionales de la universidad en cuestión.Ítem Collaborative consumption in an emerging market: what motivates consumers to adopt it under economic and political uncertainty?(MDPI, 2023-10-31) Llanos-Herrera, Gonzalo R.; Guiñez Cabrera, Nataly; Mansilla-Obando, Katherine; Gómez-Sotta, Esteban; Buchuk, Paulo; Altamirano, Matías; Alviz, MarceloThis study presents a consumption model tailored for emerging markets beyond BRICS, which considers the advantages of a sharing economy service and its impact on user behavioral intention. Moreover, it integrates moderating variables to enhance the understanding of consumer behavior toward adopting collaborative consumption services, making two significant contributions to the existing literature. By drawing data from 270 customers from Chile and utilizing variance-based structural equation modeling along with partial least squares techniques that use SmartPLS, the research findings highlight that convenience and enjoyment play the most pivotal roles in influencing consumer behavioral intention. Additionally, the study reveals that gender significantly moderates the relationship between convenience and purchase intention. Overall, this research sheds light on the potential of sharing economy services in emerging markets, providing valuable insights into consumer preferences and behavior, which can prove beneficial for businesses and policymakers alike.Ítem Eco-innovation in the food industry: exploring consumer motivations in an emerging market(MDPI, 2023-12-19) Mansilla-Obando, Katherine; Llanos-Herrera, Gonzalo R.; Gómez-Sotta, Esteban; Buchuk, Paulo; Ortiz, Francisco; Aguirre, Mario; Ahumada, FabianThe utilization of eco-innovative products has witnessed a surge in adoption, driven by their inherent capacity to address pressing environmental concerns. To comprehensively fathom the underlying motivations propelling consumers to embrace these products, we conducted an in-depth investigation employing “The Not Company” (Chile) as a compelling case study. We conducted qualitative interviews with a cohort of 20 Chilean consumers, guided by the Theory of Planned Behavior theoretical framework. The research methodology harnessed the principles of thematic analysis, yielding insights that underscore the significance of key determinants in shaping consumers’ choices towards eco-innovative products. Specifically, our findings highlighted that consumer choices in this domain are profoundly influenced by their attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behav- ioral control. Moreover, within these overarching categories, we unearthed sub-themes illuminating the intricate influences guiding consumer choices. These sub-themes encompassed beliefs about food manufacturing and packaging, the persuasive impact of social media and advertising, and the indelible impressions left by prior encounters with eco-innovative products. This study highlights consumers’ fundamental role in the broader eco-innovation landscape, particularly within the food industry context.Ítem #yomevacuno: satisfacción e insatisfacción laboral en campaña contra la COVID-19(Universidad Autónoma del Caribe, 2022-12-10) Mansilla-Obando, Katherine; Guiñez Cabrera, NatalyEste estudio determina los factores de satisfacción e insatisfacción de los trabajadores de la salud que participan activamente en el proceso de vacunación chileno contra el COVID-19. Se utiliza la técnica de incidentes críticos, metodología cualitativa, para explorar la situación de 10 trabajadores de la salud. Los resultados indican 11 factores satisfactorios y 9 insatisfactorios. Los factores satisfactorios más relevantes encontrados son atención al paciente, relación con compañeros de trabajo, salario y beneficios, y condiciones del entorno. En cambio, los factores insatisfactorios más relevantes encontrados son aspectos organizacionales, carga de trabajo equilibrada, atención al paciente y condiciones del entorno. This study determines the categories of job sa- tisfaction and dissatisfaction of health workers who actively participate in the Chilean vaccination pro- cess against COVID-19. A qualitative methodology with a critical incident technique, is used to explore the situation of ten health workers. The results iden- tified five categories: “patient care”, “administrative aspects”, “relationship with other professionals”, “working conditions” with satisfactory and unsa- tisfactory critical incidents; and “personal aspects” only with satisfactory critical incidents. This study provides practical implications for those in charge of health who make administrative decisions regarding the improvement of processes and the satisfaction of their workers.Ítem Fuerzas de cambio del proceso de evaluación: percepción docentes universitarios en COVID-19(Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, 2023) Jeldes-Delgado, Fabiola; Guiñez-Cabrera, Nataly; Mansilla-Obando, KatherineEl sistema educativo en su conjunto ha sufrido un gran cambio desde la segunda se- mana de marzo del año 2020 a causa de la pandemia por COVID-19. Uno de los aspectos que ha visto amenazado su statu quo es el sistema de evaluación de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, y en este sentido Chile no ha sido la excepción. El propósito de esta investigación es identificar la percepción de los docentes de Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) sobre el cambio que ha tenido el sistema de evaluación, al pasar de un escenario de evaluaciones en modalidad presencial, a uno de Docencia Remota de Emergencia (DRE). Por lo tanto, se busca responder ¿cuál es la percepción de los docentes del área de negocios de las IES respecto a la evaluación bajo la modalidad de DRE en medio de la pandemia de COVID-19? Este estudio emplea un enfoque cualitativo con entrevistas semiestructuradas en profun- didad a docentes de diversas IES del área de negocios. Los principales hallazgos de este estudio indican que la actitud del docente, la estructura, el procedimiento y los aspectos relacionales impulsan y/o frenan el cambio del proceso de evaluación ante un nuevo escenario. De esta manera, se espera contribuir a la literatura sobre educación superior y a la teoría de la gestión del cambio, entregando una oportunidad para futuras tomas de decisiones académicas durante cualquier contexto de crisis.Ítem Environmental and health factors as organic fruit purchase drivers and the mediating role of price and effort(MDPI, 2022-10) Llanos-Herrera, Gonzalo R.; Vega-Muñoz, Alejandro; Salazar-Sepúlveda, Guido; Contreras-Barraza, Nicolás; Gil-Marín, MiseldraThis article analyzes the organic fruit consumption behavior associated with environmental and health care. The literature review focused on the relationship between attitudes and perceptions of health care through the organic food consumption, and on the other hand, the association between the organic products consumer behavior and environmental care. The methodology included a theoretical relationship model proposed, considering different constructs provided by previous literature to measure motivations, fears and attitudes associated with the intention to purchase organic fruit, once the methods that confirm their validity and reliability were applied to evaluate seven direct relationship hypotheses, three indirect relationship hypotheses and two moderation hypotheses. As result, nine hypotheses are supported, being health and environmental motivations drivers of the attitude towards organic fruit and the intention to purchase organic fruit, intention that is reinforced by the positive attitude towards these foods but is moderated by the perceived price and the purchase effort.Ítem Scientometric analysis of hiking tourism and its relevance for wellbeing and knowledge management(MDPI, 2022-07) Acevedo-Duque, Ángel; Llanos-Herrera, Gonzalo R.; García-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz; Simón-Isidoro, Selene; Álvarez-Herranz, Agustín Pablo; Álvarez-Becerra, Rina; Sánchez Díaz, Lisette C.Hiking is a sports activity that takes place in the natural environment. From the point of view of well-being, it is an aerobic activity that prevents and improves cardiovascular diseases. According to data provided by the United Nations, within the framework of the International Year of Mountains, mountain tourism represents around 15% to 20% of total world tourism revenue. This approach aims to critically analyze the scientific production on trail tourism (HT) with contributions from authors from around the world from 1991 to 2022, in order to respond to the connection between this research, knowledge management and the sustainable development of the industry. Key knowledge contributions are examined using a scientometric approach as a method (spatial, production, impact, and relational) based on registry data stored in the Web of Science (JCR and ESCI). Regarding the results, there has been an increase in scientific production in the last decade, which is manifested in the quality of the publications.Ítem A Conceptual Review of the Literature on Brand Personality(Universidad de Chile; Facultad de Economía y Negocio, 2022-06) Llanos-Herrera, Gonzalo R.The purpose of this study is to contribute to the knowledge of the systematization of the concept of brand personality by exploring examples of its main research via a review of the literature. We conceptually analyze the brand personality construct and review the extant findings regarding it using the antecedents, consequences and moderators identified by Eisend & Stokburger-Sauer (2013) as our methodological framework.Throughout this work, we provide a series of proposals that pose questions that merit review and exploration. Additionally, we identify some antecedents that point to emerging areas of research, and we posit that these will receive important development in the near future.Recently, the concept of brand personality has become increasingly important via greater theoretical and practical development. This situation constitutes a natural response to the social and technological trends that are taking consumer relationships to a new level. Accordingly, our findings underscore the elements that comprise a favorable context for generating brand personality and highlight its consequences and its impacts.Ítem The Mexican ecological conscience: a predictive model(MDPI, 2022-06) Müller-Pérez, Jessica; Acevedo-Duque, Ángel; Llanos-Herrera, Gonzalo R.; García-Salirrosas, Elizabeth Emperatriz; Ovalles-Toledo, Luiz Vicente; Sandoval Barraza, Lidyeth Azucena; Álvarez-Becerra, RinaRecently, the number of Mexicans who buy sustainable products has been increasing, which has led to sustainable trade. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine which variables have a greater effect on Mexicans’ intention to buy green products, their ecological awareness, or moral obligation, and, in turn, to determine the degree to which moral obligation is affected by ecological awareness. A sample of 690 Mexicans was obtained, and a PLS–SEM model was applied for data analysis. The results confirmed that both a moral obligation and ecological awareness explain the intention to purchase green products, with ecological awareness contributing the most to the intention. Furthermore, the findings showed that moral obligation is affected by ecological awareness. The originality of the article is that it contributes to the consumer behavior literature by providing an insight for companies that manufacture sustainable products to understand and promote environmentally conscious consumer behavior. However, there are some limitations that can be addressed in future research.Ítem New year’s eve show: an opportunity to further develop sustainable local tourism in Chile(MDPI, 2022-03) Acevedo-Duque, Ángel; Prado-Sabido, Tohtli; Gomes Ramires, Tatiana; Ovalles-Toledo, Luiz Vicente; Sandoval Barraza, Lidyeth Azucena; Álvarez-Becerra, Rina; Llanos-Herrera, Gonzalo R.Although the pandemic is still with us and COVID-19 continues to saturate the news, everyone has abundant reasons to travel, whether it be physical and mental exhaustion from prolonged shutdowns, vaccine tourism, family reunions, long-awaited vacations, summer in the southern hemisphere, school break or year-end holidays. The main purpose of this research was to examine and understand the main motivations that lead consumers to attend national events as part of their local tourism activities. Through interviews, we have therefore collected the complementary experiences of specialists who work day-in-day-out to encourage local, quality and sustainable tourism. Using a naturalistic qualitative methodology, our hermeneutic analysis is structured in five phases and based on data—of a social nature—from public and private institutions which believe in endurable tourism. In order to validate these results and for them to be considered by other institutions and other countries when modifying and proposing activities to maintain sustainable tourism, the interviewees had to be representatives of public and private institutions and national tourists who have worked and attended the celebrations of the end of the year 2021 in this region of Chile. Our main conclusions from the analyzed units show that these types of local events enhance local tourism and lead to sustainable political, economic, social, and ecological activities.Ítem Cheating modulated by time pressure in the matrix task(Springer Nature, 2022-02-11) Ferreira Campos, Vítor; Valle, Mauricio A.; Oliveira Bueno, José LinoNo studies have investigated dishonesty during a time pressure extension greater than that of seconds. The objective was to determine if cheating groups report having completed a larger number of matrices than non-cheating groups in the Matrix Task, under different time pressures. In the experiment, participants were required to solve as many matrices as possible within a given time frame and then received a monetary reward for each correctly solved matrix. Participants of each cheating and non-cheating conditions were divided into three groups depending on the time pressure to solve the problems: 2.5, 5, and 10 min. Participants in the cheating group stated that they had solved more matrices than those of the non-cheating group, both under the 5-min pressure. However, the same did not happen under the time pressures of 2.5 and 10 min, indicating that time pressure modulates dishonest behavior in different ways, depending on the extent of the time pressure evaluated.Ítem The backbone of the financial interaction network using a maximum entropy distribution(World Scientific Publishing Company, 2022-10-19) Valle, Mauricio A.; Urbina, FelipeWe modeled the stocks of the financial system as a set of many interacting like spins derived from binary daily returns. From the empirical observation of these returns, we used a Boltzmann machine to infer a distribution of states equivalent to a maximum entropy distribution. This model describes the interaction couplings between each stock pair in the system, which can be considered a complete network with N(N-1)/2 couplings. We then engage in a coupling removal process to find a critical graph that can describe the observed states of the system with the minimum number of edges. We interpret the critical graph as the backbone of the system, and it allows us to evaluate the importance of markets in their relation to others in the system. We also found that the structure of this critical graph is highly variable over time and appears to be dependent on the level of entropy of the system.Ítem Modeling synchronization risk among sustainable exchange trade funds: a statistical and network analysis approach(MDPI, 2022-10-01) Magner, Nicolás; Lavín, Jaime F.; Valle, Mauricio A.We evaluate the environment, society, and corporate governance rating (ESG rating) contribution from a new perspective; the highest ESG rating mitigates the impact of unexpected change in the implied volatility on the systemic stock market risk. For this purpose, we use exchange- traded funds (ETF) classified by their ESG rating into quartiles to estimate the synchronization as a proxy by systemic risk. Then, for each ETF quartile, we study the effect of the implied volatility over the synchronization. Our study is the first to model sustainable ETFs’ synchronization by combining econometric modeling and network methods, including 100 ETFs representing 80% of the global ETF market size between 2013 and 2021. First, we find that a higher ESG rating mitigates the effect of implied volatility over ETF synchronization. Surprisingly, the effect is the opposite in the case of ETFs with lower ESG ratings, where an increase in the volatility expectation increases the synchronization. Our study depicts the effect of sustainable ETFs on lessening the systemic risk due to returns synchronization, this being a novel contribution of this asset class. Finally, this paper offers extensions to deepen the contribution of other asset classes of ETFs in terms of their synchronization behavior and impact on risk management and financial performance.Ítem Circular economy strategies with social implications: findings from a case study(MDPI, 2022-10-21) Mansilla-Obando, Katherine; Jeldes Delgado, Fabiola; Guiñez Cabrera, NatalyTo progress towards sustainable development, more companies are voluntarily committing to move from a linear economy to a circular economy (CE), mitigating resource consumption and waste generation. Despite the commitment of companies, there is a lack of understanding of how stakeholders view reduction, reuse, and recycling (3R), and the social aspects related to them. Stakeholders were asked how they perceive CE strategies, and more specifically, how they perceive that these strategies, observed in the practice of the 3Rs, transcend into social aspects. The objective of this research is to analyse stakeholders’ perception of CE strategies using the 3Rs framework and stakeholder theory. Using a qualitative methodology, we conducted a case study for Green Glass, a company that uses glass as an input to manufacture its products. By analysing the content of 20 interviews, 23 videos, and 24 news items related to the company, we found that Green Glass stakeholders perceive the contribution of the 3Rs towards CE and that these have social implications, such as supplier evaluation with social impact, responsibility for the product, and decent work.Ítem Cuando la comunidad es invisible: Responsabilidad social empresarial en la industria minera(Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales FLACSO-Ecuador, 2022-03-31) Mansilla-Obando, Katherine; Guiñez Cabrera, Nataly; Jeldes Delgado, FabiolaLas iniciativas de responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE) son comunes en la industria minera y cuentan con una atenta mirada de sus stakeholders. Sin embargo, es limitada la atención que se le ha prestado a las percepciones que las comunidades anfitrionas tienen sobre ellas. El presente artículo busca explorar las percepciones de una comunidad anfitriona, ubicada en el norte de Chile, respecto a las iniciativas de RSE de las empresas mineras cercanas. Mediante una metodología cualitativa, se realizan nueve entrevistas semiestructuradas (a residentes y trabajadores de la comunidad anfitriona); se analizan los datos con la técnica de análisis temático y, junto a los lentes teóricos de la pirámide de RSE y la teoría de stakeholders, se obtienen los resultados. Los principales hallazgos indican que la comunidad anfitriona percibe diferentes responsabilidades respecto a las iniciativas de RSE de la industria minera. Estas dimensiones comprenden el nivel de importancia percibido, desde la base (más importante) a la punta de la pirámide (menos importante), como la responsabilidad ambiental, la responsabilidad hacia el bienestar en salud y seguridad, la responsabilidad ética, la responsabilidad económica, la responsabilidad legal, y finalmente, la responsabilidad filantrópica. La investigación contribuye a la literatura de RSE en la industria minera, generando implicancias prácticas en las políticas públicas, en la administración de las mineras y en los líderes de la comunidad anfitriona.Ítem Explorando la satisfacción y la insatisfacción del estudiantado universitario en la enseñanza remota de emergencia(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022-01-01) Guiñez Cabrera, Nataly; Mansilla-Obando, KatherineLa dispersión de la pandemia de la COVID-19 ha generado consecuencias en la educación, especialmente, en la enseñanza en las instituciones de educación superior (IES). Con el fin de mantener la educación en Chile y evitar los contagios, se optó por una enseñanza remota de emergencia o sin planificación. En esta modalidad, el alumnado de las IES ha tenido que desempeñar sus labores educativas en línea y desde sus hogares para mantener así el distanciamiento social con el personal docente, administrativo y el resto del estudiantado, por lo que ha tenido que enfrentar nuevas experiencias. El objetivo de esta investigación es explorar los principales factores de satisfacción e insatisfacción del estudiantado en la enseñanza remota de emergencia en 8 IES estatales y privadas en Chile. Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa y la técnica de incidentes críticos para analizar 14 entrevistas semiestructuradas de estudiantes de universidad pertenecientes a alguna de las IES analizadas. Estas entrevistas se realizaron en marzo 2021 acorde a lo sucedido en el periodo académico 2020. Los resultados indican siete categorías que explican los incidentes satisfactorios e insatisfactorios: “enseñanza-aprendizaje”, “acceso a los recursos tangibles”, “profesor”, “relaciones sociales”, “servicio de apoyo”, “acceso al servicio en línea” y “calidad-precio”. Estas entregan nuevos aprendizajes a las IES chilenas de este estudio, según el proceso de enseñanza sin planificación que surge producto de la crisis sanitaria, que es útil considerar durante situaciones similares en el futuro. Además, esta investigación aporta a la literatura de satisfacción e insatisfacción de las IES.Ítem Uso de WhatsApp en los trabajadores de la salud en el proceso de vacunación chileno contra la pandemia COVID-19(Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, 2022-01-15) Guiñez Cabrera, Nataly; Mansilla-Obando, KatherineProducto de la pandemia COVID-19 y el confinamiento, el uso de WhatsApp ha aumentado. Los trabajadores de la salud adoptan esta aplicación como apoyo a sus actividades profesionales. Sin embargo, falta conocer qué influye en la adopción y uso de WhatsApp en estos trabajadores como herramienta tecnológica de apoyo a un proceso de vacunación contra la COVID-19. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio es explorar las dimensiones del modelo de adopción y uso de WhatsApp en el proceso de vacunación masivo chileno contra la pandemia COVID-19 desde la perspectiva de los trabajadores de la salud. Para lograr este propósito se utilizó una metodología cualitativa con diez entrevistas semiestructuradas con distintos trabajadores de la salud (enfermeras, TENS y nutricionista). Los resultados obtenidos fueron analizados con la “Teoría Unificada de Aceptación y Uso de Tecnología” (UTAUT), identificando las dimensiones de expectativa de desempeño, expectativa de esfuerzo, influencia social, y condiciones facilitadoras; y una nueva dimensión que es la privacidad y seguridad. Este documento aporta nuevos conocimientos a las discusiones metodológicas, ya que es el primer estudio que emplea UTAUT para interpretar el uso de WhatsApp en un proceso de vacunación masiva en tiempos de la pandemia COVID-19.Ítem Booktokers: generar y compartir contenidos sobre libros a través de TikTok(Oxbridge Publishing House, 2022-04-01) Guiñez Cabrera, Nataly; Mansilla-Obando, KatherineLa lectura es fundamental para el aprendizaje en la educación. Si bien, la revolución digital ha transformado la manera de incentivar la lectura y conocer sobre libros. Las personas que generan y comparten contenidos sobre libros en las redes sociales son los denominados booktokers, influencers de la red social TikTok, quienes se han convertido en un fenómeno emergente en esta sociedad conectada, pero aún con poca investigación que los estudie en profundidad. Por lo tanto, es crucial explorar para una mayor comprensión a los booktokers y conocer por qué aceptan y usan tecnologías para generar y compartir contenidos sobre libros en la red social TikTok. Se pretende explorar la aceptación y uso de TikTok para generar y compartir contenido sobre libros en esta red social siendo un booktoker. Se utiliza una metodología cualitativa de entrevistas semiestructuradas a trece booktokers latinoamericanos. El análisis se desarrolló por medio de un análisis temático basándonos en la teoría UTAUT2 para explicar los hallazgos. Los resultados indicaron las categorías: la expectativa de desempeño, la expectativa de esfuerzo, la influencia social, las condiciones facilitadoras, la motivación hedónica, el hábito, el precio y una nueva categoría identificada que es generar comunidad y redes. La contribución de este estudio es ser uno de los pioneros en la exploración del fenómeno de los booktokers.Ítem Are your international salespeople culturally intelligent? The influence of cultural intelligence on adaptive selling behavior with B2B customers(Emerald, 2021-08-03) Kimber, David; Guesalaga, Rodrigo; Dickmann, MichaelPurpose – This study aims to investigate cultural intelligence (CQ) as an antecedent of adaptive selling behavior (ASB) and cultural distance and intrinsic motivation as moderators in this relationship. Design/methodology/approach – This research builds on a survey to 310 US based international sales executives (ISE) and multiple regression analysis to test the hypotheses. Findings – The results show that CQ has a significant positive relationship with ASB, both as an aggregate construct and through its metacognitive, motivational, and behavioral facets. Also, intrinsic motivation moderates such relationship, whereas cultural distance does not. Practical implications – The findings of this research suggest that supplier companies involved in international selling should consider the cultural intelligence of their salespeople for selection, training, and coaching. Research limitations/implications – The study includes only a sample of US-based international salespeople in the B2B context, which limits the generalizability of the findings to salespeople from other countries or contexts. Originality/value – This study makes an important contribution to the literature on both ASB and CQ by expanding the knowledge on how to manage international salespeople effectively, considering the conditions under which CQ effects are expected and how these vary in this context.Ítem Forecasting aluminum prices with commodity currencies(Elsevier, 2021-06) Pincheira, Pablo; Hardy, NicolásIn this paper we show that the exchange rates of some commodity exporter countries have the ability to predict the price of spot and future contracts of aluminum. This is shown with both in-sample and out-of-sample analyses. The theoretical underpinning of these results relies on the present-value model for exchange rate determination and on the tight connection between some commodity prices and the currencies of some commodity exporter countries. We show results using traditional statistical metrics of forecast accuracy: Mean Squared Prediction Error and Mean Directional Accuracy. We also explore different ways in which we can jointly take advantage of the predictive information contained in all of our commodity-currencies. While LASSO and a model equipped with the first principal component of our currencies perform well, the best combination strategies involve the pre-selection of the two best performing individual currencies: The Chilean Peso and the Icelandic Krona.