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Sistema de Bibliotecas Universidad Finis Terrae
El Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad FinisTerrae, es gestionado por el Sistema de Bibliotecas y tiene por objetivo permitir el acceso libre a la producción académica e institucional de la Universidad, aumentando la visibilidad de sus contenidos y garantizando su conservación.
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Capítulo 6: Lealtad al proyecto educativo: experiencias, soportes y tácticas de jóvenes docentes de Argentina y Chile durante y después de la pandemia del COVID-19
(Innovaciones Educativas de la Universitat de València, 2024-12-30) Di Leo, Pablo; Escobar González, Sebastián; Muñoz Silva, Ignacio
En este capítulo se presentan resultados de una investigación social cuyo objetivo principal es analizar las experiencias, los soportes y las tácticas desplegadas por jóvenes docentes durante la pandemia del COVID-19 y el retorno a la presencialidad en Argentina y Chile. Para la producción de datos se desarrolló una estrategia metodológica cualitativa, enmarcada en un paradigma interpretativo y con un enfoque biográfico, utilizando como técnica principal la entrevista en profundidad (presencial y vía plataforma zoom). La muestra quedó conformada por 29 jóvenes profesoras/es, de entre 20 y 29 años, 15 en Santiago de Chile y 14 en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Para el análisis del corpus de datos se siguieron los lineamientos generales de la teoría fundamentada y como herramienta auxiliar el software Atlas.ti.
Las medidas de aislamiento y distanciamiento social decretadas por la mayor parte de los gobiernos en América Latina durante 2020 y 2021 para hacer frente a la pandemia de COVID2019 y, especialmente, la suspensión de las clases presenciales provocaron diversos padecimientos subjetivos en las personas jóvenes, afectando profundamente a sus trayectorias educativas. Dichas medidas no sólo exacerbaron las desigualdades existentes en el acceso a la educación, sino que también revelaron las debilidades del sistema educativo para adaptarse a contextos de emergencia, lo que provocó nuevas tensiones y conflictos que afectaron significativamente la formación y trabajo docente. Aún en estos escenarios, las y los jóvenes relatan una diversidad de soportes, tácticas y formas de lealtad/fidelidad desplegadas en sus roles de estudiantes o docentes para sostener las trayectorias educativas. También reconocen y valoran especialmente los soportes y las tácticas desplegados por profesoras/es e instituciones en las que estudiaban o enseñaban, dirigidos a sostener y reconstruir las sociabilidades y los vínculos socio-educativos debilitados o rotos durante y luego de la pandemia.
Is PTSD symptomatology a mechanism of emotional regulation? Insights from an interdisciplinary point of view
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2025-01-17) Rojas Saffie, Juan Pablo; Álamos-Vial, Nicolás; Pinzón-Merchán, Manuela
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology has historically been considered a psychic ailment that is part of a mental disorder. However, it has often been proposed that it could play an adaptive role, in that it would prevent individuals from being exposed to content or situations that they would not be prepared to process. Within the literature on emotional regulation (ER), PTSD symptomatology has commonly been linked to the concept of emotional dysregulation (ED). However, some definitions open the possibility that traumatic symptomatology could be considered ER, from which delicate conclusions would follow. To resolve this dilemma, we turn to interdisciplinary dialogue, specifically with the aid of Thomistic anthropology, whose concepts allow us to understand precisely the relationship between voluntary and involuntary processes and the close relationship between the concepts of reason and regulation. Even though part of the PTSD symptomatology involves psychic mechanisms aimed at modifying emotional states, it is concluded that it is necessary to continue conceptualizing it as ED. The theoretical and practical implications of this discussion are reviewed.
Nutritional Status of 8,128,014 Chilean and Immigrant Children and Adolescents Evaluated by the National Board of School Aid and Scholarships (JUNAEB) Between 2013 and 2023
(MDPI, 2025-02-17) Bustos-Arriagada, Edson; Vásquez, Fabián; Etchegaray-Armijo, Karina; López-Arana, Sandra
Introduction: Nutritional issues, including overweight and obesity, along with the rising number of immigrants facing their own nutritional problems, continue to keep Chile on alert. Objective: To evaluate the epidemiological and nutritional status changes among Chilean and immigrant boys, girls, and adolescents (BGA) in schools evaluated by the National Board of School Aid and Scholarships (JUNAEB) from 2013 to 2023. Methods: This descriptive study analyzed individual, anonymous, and de-identified data on the nutritional status of BGA in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, first grade, fifth grade, and the first year of high school using the JUNAEB Nutritional Map. Results: The sample consisted of 8,128,014 BGA, 49.2% women and 50.8% men. In 2013, immigrant BGA represented 0.4% of the total number of children evaluated, and by 2023, this percentage increased to 7.9%. It was observed that Chilean BGA had a lower proportion of thinness, risk of thinness, stunting, and normal weight, but a higher proportion of overnutrition compared to immigrants, similar to observations made during the COVID-19 pandemic. Comparisons by sex showed that Chilean and immigrant women had a lower percentage of thinness, risk of thinness, obesity, severe obesity, and stunting, and a higher proportion of normal weight when compared to men. Conclusions: The rise in immigrant BGA within the Chilean school system, together with the nutritional differences between both groups, highlights the need to consider these particularities when designing nutritional public policies in the health and education sectors.
Evaluation of the Effect of the Technical Guidelines for Chilean Milk Dietary Service on the Microbiological and Nutritional Quality of a Powdered Infant Formula
(MDPI, 2024-10-19) Bustos-Arriagada, Edson; Doblado Mendoza, Andrea Lizeth; Mariotti-Celis, María Salomé
The Chilean Technical Manual for Milk Dietary Service (SEDILE) was evaluated to determine its effectiveness in ensuring the microbiological safety and vitamin D adequacy of a commercially available powdered infant formula (PIF) used in SEDILE. The evaluation focused on whether adherence to the manual’s guidelines positively influenced these factors. Both the PIF and the reconstituted PIF (RIF) were found to be free from Cronobacter sakazakii and Salmonella enterica contamination, with levels of total coliforms and Escherichia coli within acceptable limits. Moreover, the vitamin D content in the formula was within the expected range. These findings suggest that following the Chilean Technical Manual for SEDILE contributes to the microbiological safety and nutritional adequacy of RIF in dietary services.
Leucine Intake and Sarcopenia Indicators of an Elderly Group from the Metropolitan Region, Santiago De Chile, Who Participated in the Program for Complementary Food in Older People (PACAM)
(MDPI, 2024-10-18) Bustos-Arriagada, Edson; Arazo-Rusindo, Migdalia Caridad; Rivera-Andrades, Gonzalo; Pérez-Bravo, Francisco; Castillo-Valenzuela, Oscar; Barros-Velázquez, Jorge; Mariotti-Celis, María Salomé
Background and objective: The global aging population has led to increased noncommunicable diseases, often linked to poor diet and declining muscle strength and mass. This study assessed leucine intake and sarcopenia indicators among 181 adults aged 60–80 in Santiago, Chile, participating in the Program for Complementary Food in Older People (PACAM), with 80% being women. Methods: Sarcopenia was evaluated through muscle strength and mass using the EWGSOP2 criteria for its identification. Results: 78.45% of participants did not meet the recommended leucine intake of 3 g per day and sarcopenia was identified in 17.13% of them. The skeletal muscle index was 48.07%, and hand grip strength was 26.52%, with men showing significantly higher grip strength (48.60% vs. 28.80%, p = 0.00). Inadequate leucine intake was more common in those aged 60–75 (85.9%) than those over 75 (p = 0.03). No significant differences in BMI, grip strength, or muscle mass were found between those with adequate and inadequate leucine intake, and PACAM food consumption did not significantly affect these parameters. A sub-analysis showed significant differences in grip strength among powdered dairy drink consumers (35.20% vs. 17.80%, p = 0.01). Conclusions: Chilean elderly participating in PACAM present a high prevalence of sarcopenia and leucine deficiency among with no notable benefits from PACAM foods intake. Despite the limitations of the local body composition assessment method, this research addresses a critical public health issue in Chile. Future studies should evaluate physical performance and focus on leucine supplementation to clarify its effects on sarcopenia.