Facultad de Ingeniería
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Ítem Análisis de canasta de mercado en supermercados mediante mapas auto-organizados(Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2021-11-08) Cordero, Joaquín; Bolt, Alfredo José; Valle, Mauricio A.Introducción: Una cadena importante de supermercados de la zona poniente de la capital de Chile, necesita obtener información clave para tomar decisiones. Esta información se encuentra disponible en las bases de datos, pero necesita ser procesada debido a la complejidad y cantidad de información, lo que genera una dificultad a la hora de visualizar. Método: Para este propósito, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo que utiliza redes neuronales artificiales, aplicando el método SOM de Kohonen. Para llevarlo a cabo, se han debido seguir ciertos procedimientos claves, como preparar la información, para luego utilizar solo los datos relevantes a las canastas de compra de la investigación. Luego de efectuado el filtrado, se tiene que preparar el ambiente de programación en Python para adaptarlo a los datos de la muestra, y luego proceder a entrenar el SOM con sus parámetros fijados luego de resultados de pruebas. Resultado: El resultado del SOM obtiene la relación entre los productos que más se compraron, posicionándolos topológicamente cerca, para conformar promociones y bundles, para que el retail mánager tome en consideración. Conclusión: En base a esto, se han hecho recomendaciones sobre canastas de compra frecuentes a la cadena de supermercados que ha proporcionado los datos utilizados en la investigación.Ítem Applying multi-criteria analysis in a port system(2017) Córdova, Felisa M.; Durán, ClaudiaThis work presents a study developed in a medium port system composed of 50 public and private actors interacting with their macro-environment, which can generate strategic synergistic relationships. In order to determine these synergistic links between their components, the strategic phrases contained in their missions are analysed and classified according to the multicriteria that are part of the macro-environment of each port actor: political, economic, social, technological, environmental, risk and learning. Likewise, new characterizations and classifications are proposed for groups and sub-groups of port actors. From absolute frequencies, Contingency Tables and the Chi-square test, quantitative results are obtained, which show the potential cases of strategic synergistic relations in the port system and the behavior of each group and sub-group of actors, as well as dependence / independence between every pair of criteria. Finally, it is verified that it is possible to use quantitative methods to analyze the strategic synergistic relationships between the actors of the port system.Ítem Automatons immersed in ocean currents for transformation of biomass into fuel(Springer, 2021) Cañete, Lucio; Córdova, Felisa; Perez de Arce, AndrésWhen observing the Chilean sea from both biotic and mechanical perspective, oceanographers note that the Humboldt Current carries abundant biomass and that the movement of the water itself has the capacity to do work. Taking advantage of these two qualities of the ocean current, this article exposes the sketch of an automated device, the computational simulation when it was conceived and its mathematical model to make efficient the capture of biomass that will be processed, stored and dispatched as biodiesel. Said submerged automaton has a structural configuration that was outlined by cybernetic design resulting in a body that carries out the transformation process by itself, which starts on the side that faces the current with its content of biomass. This raw material is trapped thanks to an intelligent system that informs the reactor about the relative importance of the state variables that its body can control, stimulating those swimming organisms to move in the desired direction. The captured biomass begins its process until it becomes biodiesel by virtue of the mechanical energy provided by the same flow of seawater that affects the reactor. The rear part of the reactor releases both incident water and by-products into the sea without harmful environmental consequences. Some users of this new type of device are armies in time of conflict and merchant marines during algae bloom.Ítem Deep learning aplicado para la detección de hemorragias y tumores cerebrales(Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2021-12-01) Hidalgo Barrientos, Mauricio Fernando; Hayes Ortiz, Bryan Isaac; Delgadillo Vera, Ignacio; Goyo Escalona, ManuelIntroducción: Un problema que afecta a la salud en Chile se refiere a las patologías cerebrales, toma de exámenes y el alto tiempo de espera para la obtención de los resultados (retrasando el diagnóstico y tratamiento). Actualmente, los exámenes se envían al extranjero para ser procesados y el tiempo de espera juega en contra del paciente. Dada esta realidad, nuestro documento propone un modelo de deep learning para la predicción de imágenes cerebrales que permita obtener un diagnóstico previo, pero no definitivo, en virtud de disminuir el tiempo del proceso y, de ser necesario, priorizar a los pacientes cuya vida estaría potencialmente en riesgo. Métodos: El desarrollo utilizó un enfoque RAD iterativo y las imágenes se recogieron de Kaggle. Adicionalmente, se redimensiona el dataset para normalizar el tamaño y generamos nuevas imágenes utilizando “data augmentation”. Las imágenes fueron procesadas en redes convolucionales, indagando en distintas configuraciones para la red, su optimizador y la función de activación, hasta llegar a un modelo que consideramos razonable. Resultados: Con el modelo definitivo, los resultados superan el 80% de precisión en las predicciones y descubrimos que separar patologías (hemorragias y tumores) fue crucial para este resultado. Conclusiones: Hemos logrado una herramienta de diagnóstico previo, pero se debe continuar la investigación en virtud de aumentar la precisión. Un próximo paso considera ampliar el dataset con imágenes de otras fuentes y separar el modelo para analizar patologías de forma independiente. Motivamos a seguir investigando ya que este tipo de apoyo puede contribuir a salvar vidas.Ítem Design of an EEG analytical methodology for the analysis and interpretation of cerebral connectivity signals(Elsevier, 2022-02-20) Córdova, Felisa M.; Cifuentes, Hugo F.; Díaz, Hernán A.; Yanine, Fernando; Pereira, RobertinoThe objective of this study is to design an Electroencephalographic (EEG) analytic methodology that allows to develop a variety of analysis and interpretations of brain signals. The initial phase considers the acquisition and filtering of EEG signals, the division into bands in data ranges, and the storage of EEG signals in a cloud data base. Then, an analytical phase considering descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analysis is accomplished. A sequence of analytic intermediate processing steps is done in order to render a graphic visualization of significant correlations between pairs of EEG channels. Pearson correlation is utilized to detect synchronic connectivity through the brain areas. Time series in nearly instantaneous time lapses are treated by using Hilbert Huang Transform. An experimental design by submitting a set of students to an abbreviated version Raven visual test is made providing results in correlation maps of cerebral connectivityÍtem Design of smart socket for monitoring of IoT-based intelligent smart energy management system(Springer, 2021) Rao, Challa Krishna; Kumar Sahoo, Sarat; Balamurugan, M.; Yanine, FernandoSmart socket is designed for collecting and sending the data from the various nodes in one field to other fields. Smart socket consists of the Arduino_Uno, XBee, sensors, gateway, computer, USB, and IDE. This works emphasis on design and development of smart socket with wireless capability, this can be used to collect the data from each electrical device by using sensors. An XBee transmitter and receiver node are used for data communication in wireless networks. Real-time data gathered at the central node can be used to prioritize and schedule the appliances. Then, the system analyzes the data to generate control commands to turn the devices attached to the smart socket on or off. This paper presents the operation and functions of smart socket in different sensor network topologies. The results show that the proposed smart socket can correctly read the data from the various nodes and also send it to different nodes of different parameters.Ítem Diseño y desarrollo de aplicación móvil para la clasificación de flora nativa chilena utilizando redes neuronales convolucionales(Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2022-01-22) Muñoz Villalobos, Ignacio Andrés; Bolt, Alfredo JoséIntroducción: Las aplicaciones móviles, a través de la visión artificial, son capaces de reconocer especies vegetales en tiempo real. Sin embargo, las actuales aplicaciones de reconocimiento de especies no consideran la gran variedad de especies endémicas y nativas de Chile, tendiendo a predecir erróneamente. Esta investigación presenta la construcción de un dataset de especies chilenas y el desarrollo de un modelo de clasificación optimizado e implementado en una aplicación móvil. Método: La construcción del dataset se realizó a través de la captura de fotografías de especies en terreno y selección de imágenes de datasets en línea. Se utilizaron redes neuronales convolucionales para desarrollar los modelos de predicción de imágenes. Se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad al entrenar las redes, validando con k-fold cross validation y efectuando pruebas con distintos hiperparámetros, optimizadores, capas convolucionales y tasas de aprendizaje, para seleccionar los mejores modelos y luego ensamblarlos en un solo modelo de clasificación. Resultados: El dataset construido se conformó por 46 especies, incluyendo especies nativas, endémicas y exóticas de Chile, con 6120 imágenes de entrenamiento y 655 de prueba. Los mejores modelos se implementaron en una aplicación móvil, donde se obtuvo un porcentaje de acierto de aproximadamente 95% con respecto al conjunto de pruebas. Conclusiones: La aplicación desarrollada es capaz de clasificar especies correctamente con una probabilidad de acierto acorde con el estado del arte de la visión artificial y de mostrar información de la especie clasificada.Ítem Energy homeostasis management strategy for building rooftop nanogrids, considering the thermal model and a HVAC unit installed(Elsevier, 2022-02-04) Yanine, Fernando; Sanchez-Squella, Antonio; Barrueto, Aldo; Sahoo, Sarat Kumar; Parejo, Antonio; Cordova, Felisa M.This paper presents a case study on power control and energy management for a 60 apartments’ residential building with solar generation and energy storage tied to the grid in Santiago, Chile. A new energy management algorithm based on energy homeostasis is designed for a small electro thermal generation system (nanogrid), with smart metering. The test bed employs supervisory control with energy management that regulates the temperature inside a large room by the action of an HVAC (Heating/Ventilating/Air Conditioning) unit. The main objective of supervisory control is to allow temperature comfort for residents while evaluating the decrease in energy cost. The study considers a room with rooftop grid-tie nanogrid with a photovoltaic and wind turbine generation plant, working in parallel. It also has an external weather station that allows predictive analysis and control of the temperature inside the abode. The electrical system can be disconnected from the local network, working independently (islanding) and with voltage regulation executed by the photovoltaic generation system. Additionally, the system has a battery bank that allows the energy management by means of the supervisory control system. Under this scenario, a set of coordination and supervisory control strategies, adapted for the needs defined in the energy management program and considering the infrastructure conditions of the network and the abode, are applied with the aim of efficiently managing the supply and consumption of energy, considering Electricity Distribution Net Billing Laws 20.571 and 21.118 in Chile (https://www.bcn.cl/historiadelaley/historia-de-la-ley/vista-expandida/7596/), the electricity tariffs established by the distribution company and the option of incorporating an energy storage system and temperature control inside the room. The results show the advantage of the proposed tariffs and the overall energy homeostasis management strategy for the integration of distributed power generation and distribution within the smart grid transformation agenda in Chile. Este artículo presenta un caso de estudio sobre control de potencia y gestión de energía para un edificio residencial de 60 departamentos con generación solar y almacenamiento de energía conectado a la red en Santiago, Chile. Se diseña un nuevo algoritmo de gestión energética basado en la homeostasis energética para un pequeño sistema de generación electrotérmica (nanogrid), con medición inteligente. El banco de pruebas emplea un control de supervisión con administración de energía que regula la temperatura dentro de una habitación grande mediante la acción de una unidad HVAC (Calefacción/Ventilación/Aire acondicionado). El objetivo principal del control de supervisión es permitir el confort de la temperatura para los residentes mientras se evalúa la disminución del costo de la energía. El estudio considera una habitación con nanorredes conectadas a la red en la azotea con una planta de generación fotovoltaica y eólica, trabajando en paralelo. También cuenta con una estación meteorológica externa que permite el análisis predictivo y control de la temperatura al interior de la morada. El sistema eléctrico se puede desconectar de la red local, trabajando de forma independiente (islanding) y con regulación de tensión ejecutada por el sistema de generación fotovoltaica. Adicionalmente, el sistema cuenta con un banco de baterías que permite la gestión de la energía a través del sistema de control de supervisión. Bajo este escenario, se aplican un conjunto de estrategias de coordinación y control supervisor, adaptadas a las necesidades definidas en el programa de gestión energética y considerando las condiciones de infraestructura de la red y del domicilio, con el objetivo de gestionar eficientemente el suministro y consumo de energía, considerando las Leyes de Facturación Neta de Distribución Eléctrica 20.571 y 21.118 de Chile (https://www.bcn.cl/historiadelaley/historia-de-la-ley/vista-expandida/7596/), las tarifas eléctricas establecidas por la empresa distribuidora y la posibilidad de incorporar un sistema de almacenamiento de energía y control de temperatura en el interior de la estancia. Los resultados muestran la ventaja de las tarifas propuestas y la estrategia general de gestión de la homeostasis energética para la integración de la generación y distribución de energía distribuida dentro de la agenda de transformación de redes inteligentes en Chile.Ítem Engineering sustainable energy systems: how reactive and predictive homeostatic control can prepare electric power systems for environmental challenges(Elsevier, 2017) Yanine, Fernando; Sanchez-Squella, Antonio; Barrueto, Aldo; Cordova, Felisa M.; Kumar Sahoo, SaratNowadays electric power generation and distribution systems are being faced with a number of challenges and concerns which emanate not so much from a shortage of energy supply but from environmental and operational issues. They are required to respond to such challenges very rapidly and effectively so as to preserve stability and continuity of operations at any time, regardless of what may occur in the surroundings. This in fact is the true measure of what sustainable energy systems (SES) are all about, and homeostatic control (HC) of energy systems seeks just that: to enable energy systems to become highly efficient and effective very rapidly, by attaining a state of equilibrium between energy supply and energy expenditure in electric power systems (EPS) operation. To accomplish so they ought to imitate homeostasis mechanisms present in all living organisms. Ever since Cannon (1929, 1935) first introduced the concept, attention on homeostasis and its applications have been the sole patrimony of medicine and biology to find cures for diseases like diabetes and obesity. Nevertheless, homeostasis is rather an engineering concept in its very essence - even more so than in the natural sciences - and its application in the design and engineering of sustainable hybrid energy systems (SHES) is a reality. In this paper we present the groundwork that supports the theoretical model underlining the engineering of homeostasis in SHES. Homeostasis mechanisms are present in all living organisms, and thus are also applicable to EPS in order to enable and maintain a sustainable performance when EPS are linked to energy efficiency (EE) and thriftiness. In doing so, both reactive and predictive homeostasis play a substantive role in the engineering of such mechanisms. Reactive homeostasis (RH) is an immediate response of the SES to a homeostatic challenge such as energy deprivation, energy shortage or imbalance. RH entails feedback mechanisms that allow for reactive compensation, reestablishing homeostasis or efficient equilibrium in the system. Predictive homeostasis (PH), on the other hand, is a proactive mechanism which anticipates the events that are likely to occur, sending the right signals to the central controller, enabling SES to respond early and proactively to environmental challenges and concerns. The paper explores both concepts based on previous work in order to advance the research in the field of HC applied to electric power systems.Ítem Un estudio de disponibilidad léxica asociado a las áreas de aprendizaje y motivación por el aprendizaje(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; Instituto de Investigación de Lingüística Aplicada, 2023-07-27) Zambrano, Carolina; Agustin, Maria PilarSe presenta un estudio de disponibilidad léxica para los conceptos de aprendizaje y motivación por el aprendizaje en estudiantes de pedagogía. Para ello, los objetivos son los siguientes: i) cuantificar el léxico disponible usando los índices NPD, XR, IC e IDL, ii) analizar el léxico disponible usando grafos, y iii) categorizar el léxico disponible mediante asociaciones del tipo semántico-cognitivo. Se utilizó una metodología con un diseño mixto que integra análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo. Los resultados evidencian que se requiere mejorar el vocabulario sobre el aprendizaje. Asimismo, como resultado presentamos un esquema conceptual de categorizaciones, que para el concepto de aprendizaje se compone de las siguientes categorías: estrategias de estudio reproductivas, estrategias de estudio orientadas a la aplicación de los conocimientos, actores del sistema educativo, espacios del sistema educativo y elementos para la enseñanza-aprendizaje. Para el concepto motivación por el aprendizaje, las categorías son motivación a las metas, orientación por vocación y elementos para la enseñanza-aprendizajeÍtem Exploring the adsorption of five emerging pollutants on activated carbon: a theoretical approach(Elsevier, 2024-06-06) González-Rodríguez, Lisdelys; Yáñez, Osvaldo; Mena-Ulecia, Karel; Hidalgo-Rosa, Yoan; García-Carmona, Ximena; Ulloa-Tesser, ClaudiaThe identification and management of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in water systems is crucial for protecting public and environmental health. This paper reports a theoretical approach to studying the adsorption of five CECs: Atrazine (ATZ), Caffeine (CAF), Carbamazepine (CBZ), Sulfamethoxazole (SMX), and Ibuprofen (IBU) - onto Activated Carbon (AC). A set of computational methods, including electrostatic molecular potential maps, conceptual density functional theory, Fukui functions, thermodynamic analysis, and tight-binding molecular dynamics simulations, were employed to analyze the electronic/energetic interactions and mechanisms involved in the adsorption of CECs on AC. The theoretical methodology offered valuable predictions on reactivity sites, stability, and binding mechanisms. Results showed that adsorption primarily occurred through non-covalent interactions like π-π electron donor-acceptor interactions, van der Waals forces, and hydrophobic interactions. Thermodynamic properties suggested the adsorption process was spontaneous and exothermic. However, for the AC/SMX system, the Gibbs free energy reveals that adsorption may be unfavorably compared to the other study systems. Molecular dynamics simulations validated the kinetic stability in the following order CAF (0.13 Å)>CBZ (0.23 Å)>ATZ (0.75 Å)> IBU (1.28 Å)>SMX (1.54 Å). This exploratory theoretical study provides a deep understanding of the interactions between AC and five CECs, aiding in the rational design and optimization of AC-based treatment systems for environmental and industrial applications.Ítem Factibilidad técnico-económica de la producción de hidróxido de litio a pequeña escala a partir de salmueras(Universidad Finis Terrae (Chile) Facultad de Ingeniería, 2019) Velásquez Carrasco, Catalina; Cabrera Álvarez, Víctor Benigno prof. guíaLa electrificación de nuestro mundo está impulsando un fuerte aumento en la demanda de litio y sobre todo de hidróxido de litio, ya que es una materia prima vital para la acumulación energía en baterías de ión de litio. Hoy en día, aproximadamente el 60% de la producción mundial de compuestos de litio se extrae de salmueras, una práctica que evapora el agua, en promedio un millón de litros por tonelada de carbonato de litio equivalente producida. Debido a eso, esta investigación presenta un nuevo método para producir hidróxido de litio directamente a partir de salmueras, basado en la electrólisis, en el desierto de Atacama, Chile, enfocado en una minera a pequeña escala. Esta región presenta condiciones particulares de clima desértico donde el agua es escasa y para ayudar a resolver este problema del proceso de producción convencional, se planteó un proceso modificado, con un consumo eficiente de agua, para mejorar la sostenibilidad ambiental de la planta de producción. En este se analizó en términos generales la factibilidad técnico – económica de implementar esta nueva metodología y se encontró que el consumo de agua por kilogramo de producto se modificó de un millón de litros de agua[46] por tonelada de carbonato de litio equivalente producido a 2596 litros y el costo fijo del proceso se estima en aproximadamente 3 dólares por kilogramo. Finalmente, se puede decir que los resultados presentados pueden considerarse como pautas para abordar la optimización del proceso industrial para obtener el LiOH.Ítem A fresh look at an old problem: saturation in the retail market and how it affects both retailers and consumers(Indian Society for Education and Environment, 2019-05-28) Yanine, Fernando; Cordova, Felisa M.; Valenzuela, Lionel; Isla, PabloObjective: Traditional saturation analysis on competitive location decision science focuses on diminishing returns for incumbents and newcomers in a specific spatial location pertaining to commercial retail potential past a certain point of market saturation. Methods/Findings: This study looks at this problem but employs a different approach to the subject altogether, wherein saturation is no longer a variable affecting only retailers but one that affects both: the marginal utility of consumers and the revenue of retailers albeit differently. A new mathematical model is proposed based on selected papers, contributing new insight into an already widely discussed subject. Application: Analysis shows that it is important for competitive location decision-making to address saturation from both sides of the overall competitive location decision issue, not just from the retailers’ standpoint.Ítem Furfural adsorption on V2O5 surface: A combined experimental-theoretical study(Elsevier, 2024-06-16) Lizana, Ignacio; Schott , Eduardo; Saavedra-Torres, Mario; Hidalgo-Rosa, Yoan; Pecchi, Gina; Karelovic, Alejandro; Zarate, Ximena;The adsorption of furfural on the V2O5 surface was investigated using experimental and theoretical methods. In situ Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy results show the presence of physi- and chemi-sorption phenomena, where trans-furfural is mostly chemisorbed at the beginning of the adsorption process. These results are in agreement with theoretical DFT results, as the most thermodynamically favored configurations corresponds to the chemisorbed trans-furfural (T1) and cis-furfural (C1) with binding energies of −1.83 and −2.05 eV.Ítem Grid-tied distributed generation systems to sustain the smart grid transformation: tariff analysis and generation sharing(MDPI, 2020) Yanine, Fernando; Sánchez-Squella, Antonio; Barrueto, Aldo; Parejo, Antonio; Cordova, Felisa; Rother, HansIn this paper a novel model is being proposed and considered by ENEL—the largest electric utility in Chile—and analyzed thoroughly, whereby electric power control and energy management for a 60-apartments’ residential building is presented as an example of the utility’s green energy program, part of its Smart Grid Transformation plan to install grid-tied distributed generation (DG) systems, namely microgrids, with solar generation and energy storage in Santiago, Chile. The particular tariffs scheme analysis shown is part of the overall projected tentative benefits of adopting the new scheme, which will require the utility’s customers to adapt their consumption behavior to the limited supply of renewable energy by changing energy consumption habits and schedules in a way that maximizes the capacity and efficiency of the grid-tied microgrid with energy storage. The change in behavior entails rescheduling power consumption to hours where the energy supply capacity in the DG system is higher and price is lower as well as curtailing their power needs in certain hourly blocks so as to maximize DG system’s efficiency and supply capacity. Nevertheless, the latter presents a problem under the perspective of ENEL’s renewable energy sources (RES) integration plan with the electric utility’s grid supply, which, up until now and due to current electric tariffs law, has not had a clear solution. Under said scenario, a set of strategies based on energy homeostasis principles for the coordination and control of the electricity supply versus customers’ demand has been devised and tested. These strategies which consider various scenarios to conform to grid flexibility requirements by ENEL, have been adapted for the specific needs of these types of customers while considering the particular infrastructure of the network. Thus, the microgrid adjusts itself to the grid in order to complement the grid supply while seeking to maximize green supply capacity and operational efficiency, wherein the different energy users and their energy consumption profiles play a crucial role as “active loads”, being able to respond and adapt to the needs of the grid-connected microgrid while enjoying economic benefits. Simulation results are presented under different tariff options, system’s capacity and energy storage alternatives, in order to ompare the proposed strategies with the actual case of traditional grid’s electricity distribution service, where no green energy is present. The results show the advantage of the proposed tariffs scheme, along with power control and energy management strategies for the integration of distributed power generation within ENEL’s Smart Grid Transformation in Chile.Ítem Homeostaticity of energy systems: How to engineer grid flexibility and why should electric utilities care(Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2019) Yanine, Fernando; Sanchez-Squella, Antonio; Barrueto, Aldo; Kumar Sahoo, Sarat; Parejo, Antonio; Shah, Dhruv; Cordova, FelisaToday’s power generation and distribution industry is being faced with a number of issues, from violent weather phenomena to earthquakes, fires and landslides; including acts of arson, terrorism and vandalism, all of which pose serious concerns for the sustainability of the distribution and supply of electricity. Electric utilities like ENEL are cognizant of this fact and know they must take action. Moreover, they are required by law to be prepared and act proactively to prevent service disruption, by responding to such challenges rapidly and effectively so as to preserve stability and continuity of operation. Homeostaticity of energy systems seeks just that: to bring about a rapid, effective and efficient state of equilibrium between energy supply and expenditure at all times, whatever the circumstances, to preserve stability of systems operation. The paper presents a prescriptive energy homeostaticity model being considered by ENEL as a means to further the incorporation of renewables in the electricity generation and distribution industry. The aim is to enhance control and energy management systems in distributed generation installations tied to the grid for urban and rural communities, in order to complement and diversify their electric power distribution services. The theoretical groundwork underlying the subject as well as other relevant contextual factors are also discussed and simulation results are presented under different tariff scenarios, and energy storage alternatives, in order to compare the proposed model with the actual case. Energy storage (ES) is found to be of paramount importance in the overall analysis of the results as it enhances and reinforces thriftiness on energy consumption.Ítem Low carbon energy thecnologies in sustainable energy systems(Elsevier, 2021) Yanine, Fernando; Sanchez-Squella, Antonio; Barrueto, Aldo; Kumar Sahoo, Sarat; Cordova, Felisa; Shah, Dhruv; Parejo, Antonio; Rother, HansLow Carbon Energy Technologies for Sustainable Energy Systems examines, investigates, and integrates current research aimed at operationalizing low carbon technologies within complex transitioning energy economies. Scholarly research has traditionally focused on the technical aspects of exploitation, R&D, operation, infrastructure, and decommissioning, while approaches which can realistically inform their reception and scale-up across real societies and real markets are piecemeal and isolated in separate literatures. Addressing both the technical foundations of each technology together with the sociotechnical ways in which they are spread in markets and societies, this work integrates the technoeconomic assessment of low carbon technologies with direct discussion on legislative and regulatory policies in energy markets. Chapters address issues, such as social acceptance, consumer awareness, environmental valuation systems, and the circular economy, as low carbon technologies expand into energy systems sustainability, sensitivity, and stability. This collective research work is relevant to both researchers and practitioners working in sustainable energy systems. The combination of these features makes it a timely book that is useful and attractive to university students, researchers, academia, and public or private energy policy makers.Ítem ML models for severity classification and length-of-stay forecasting in emergency units(Elsevier, 2023-03-02) Candia-Véjar, Alfredo; Moya-Carvajal, Jonathan; Pérez-Galarce, Francisco; Taramasco, Carla; Astudillo, César A.Length-of-stay (LoS) prediction and severity classification for patients in emergency units in a clinic or hospital are crucial problems for public and private health networks. An accurate estimation of these parameters is essential for better planning resources, which are usually scarce. Although it is possible to find several works that propose traditional Machine Learning (ML) models to face these challenges, few works have exploited advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) on Spanish raw-text vector representations. Consequently, we take advantage of those advances, incorporating sentence embeddings in traditional ML models to improve predictions. Moreover, we apply a strategy based on SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) values to provide explanations for these predictions. The results of our case study demonstrate an increase in the accuracy of the predictions using raw text with a minimum preprocessing. The precision increased by up to 2% in the classification of the patient’s post-care destination and by up to 8% in the prediction of LoS in the hospital. This evidence encourages practitioners to use available text to anticipate the patient’s need for hospitalization more accurately at the earliest stage of the care process.Ítem On a pickup to delivery drone routing problem: models and algorithms(Elsevier, 2022-09-06) Gómez-Lagos, Javier; Rojas-Espinoza, Benjamín; Candia-Véjar, AlfredoA new variant of the Pickup and Delivery Routing problem is presented. Given a set of customers, facilities, a depot, and a homogeneous fleet of drones, the Pickup to Delivery Drone Routing Problem (PDDRP) aims to find a drone scheduling such that a drone serves the customer’s order from a set of available facilities. Each drone starts in the depot, flies to pickup the customer’s order in a facility, and continues its flight to deliver the parcel to a customer. Then, the drone begins another service, and once its last service is completed, it returns to the depot. The objective is to minimize the makespan associated with the drone fleet. The layer of facilities forcing drones to visit one of them to pickup the parcel makes the problem different from traditional pickup and delivery routing problems. Three mixed-linear programming models are presented to obtain optimal solutions for the problem. The first model is related to the multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (m-TSP), the second is associated with the Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem (PMS), and the third was developed specifically for the new problem. Given the high computational complexity of the PDDRP, a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) was designed to find near-optimal solutions when exact approaches cannot achieve (near) optimal solutions. Computational experiments show that a commercial solver could solve only small problem instances. GRASP can find reasonable solutions in a short time when medium and large instance sizes need to be solved. Finally, is shown that some routing problems for delivery, allowing truck-drone collaboration, could be formulated as an extension of PMS.Ítem Photophysical characterization of tetrahydroxyphenyl porphyrin Zn(II) and V(IV) complexes: experimental and DFT study(Springer Nature, 2023-06-21) Diaz-Uribe, Carlos; Rangel, Daily; Vallejo, William; Valle, Roger; Hidago-Rosa, Yoan; Zarate, Ximena; Schott, EduardoPhotodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising technique for the treatment of various diseases. In this sense, the singlet oxygen quantum yield (Φ∆) is a physical–chemical property that allows to stablish the applicability of a potential photosensitizers (PS) as a drug for PDT. In the herein report, the Φ∆ of three photosensitizers was determined: metal-free tetrahydroxyphenyl porphyrin (THPP), THPP-Zn and the THPP-V metal complexes. Their biological application was also evaluated. Therefore, the in vitro study was carried out to assess their biological activity against Escherichia coli. The metal-porphyrin complexes exhibited highest activities against the bacterial strain Escherichia coli. at the highest concentration (175 μg/mL) and show better activity than the free base ligand (salts and blank solution). Results indicated a relation between Φ∆ and the inhibitory activity against Escherichia coli, thus, whereas higher is the Φ∆, higher is the inhibitory activity. The values of the Φ∆ and the inhibitory activity follows the tendency THPP-Zn > THPP > THPP-V. Furthermore, quantum chemical calculations allowed to gain deep insight into the electronic and optical properties of THPP-Zn macrocycle, which let to verify the most probable energy transfer pathway involved in the singlet oxygen generation.