Criterios de otorgamiento, modificación y revocación de permisos municipales de bienes nacionales de uso público contenidos en la Ley nº18.695: análisis legal, jurisprudencial y crítica
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Universidad Finis Terrae (Chile) Facultad de Derecho
La presente memoria abordará la Ley N°18.695 denominada “Ley de Municipalidades”, las atribuciones de la Municipalidad y el Alcalde, y en específico la potestad de éste para otorgar, modificar y revocar permisos municipales que recaen sobre bienes nacionales de uso público, abordado desde elementos propios de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia y el Humanismo Cristiano.
Al dotar el legislador a la figura del alcalde con esta potestad discrecional respecto a los permisos sobre bienes nacionales de uso público, este es susceptible a que sus actos o más bien sus decisiones sean consideradas como arbitrarias y no apegadas a la justicia, e incluso cuestionables en cuanto no existen parámetros o límites para el otorgamiento, modificación o revocación de estos. Es por todo lo anterior, que nos preguntamos: ¿Cuál fue la intención del legislador y con qué rigurosidad jurídica otorgó la potestad discrecional al alcalde para otorgar, modificar o revocar permisos municipales de bienes nacionales de uso público?
This report will address Law N° 18,695 called “Law of Municipalities”, the powers of the Municipality and the Mayor, and specifically the power of the latter to grant, modify and revoke municipal permits for public use, addressed from the Social Doctrine of church and Christian Humanism. By giving the figure of the mayor this discretionary power with respect to permits on national assets for public use, he susceptible to these actions, or rather these decisions, begin considered arbitrary and not in accordance with justice and even questionable in so far as there no parameters or limits for the granting, modification or revocation of these. It is because of all the above, that we ask ourselves: What was the intention of the legislator and with what legal rigor did he grant the discretionary power to the mayor to grant, modify or revoke municipal permits for national assets for public use?
This report will address Law N° 18,695 called “Law of Municipalities”, the powers of the Municipality and the Mayor, and specifically the power of the latter to grant, modify and revoke municipal permits for public use, addressed from the Social Doctrine of church and Christian Humanism. By giving the figure of the mayor this discretionary power with respect to permits on national assets for public use, he susceptible to these actions, or rather these decisions, begin considered arbitrary and not in accordance with justice and even questionable in so far as there no parameters or limits for the granting, modification or revocation of these. It is because of all the above, that we ask ourselves: What was the intention of the legislator and with what legal rigor did he grant the discretionary power to the mayor to grant, modify or revoke municipal permits for national assets for public use?
Memoria (Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas)--Universidad Finis Terrae, 2024
Lugar de Publicación
Santiago, Chile
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Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Chile (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 CL)