Femicidio en Chile: Análisis Ley Gabriela
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Universidad Finis Terrae (Chile) Facultad de Derecho
El presente estudio abordará el delito de femicidio, específicamente la modificación
que se incorporó en la Ley N° 21.212 comenzando con el análisis de la evolución
tanto nacional como internacional en materias de erradicación de la violencia de
género. Este fenómeno se produce a consecuencia de las altas cifras de asesinatos
hacia mujeres y no necesariamente dado por un vínculo afectivo, sino que
incorporando los cometidos por orientación sexual, identidad de género y expresión
de género, haciéndose cargo de las violencias específicas que sufren las mujeres
lesbianas y transgénero.
El femicidio no es un concepto que nace en nuestra época, más bien el término se
remonta a principios del siglo XIX en Europa; el cual ha ido desarrollándose a lo
largo de los años por diversos especialistas y académicos que buscan una definición
lo más apropiada posible a la realidad. En la actualidad que este término haya
tomado mayor fuerza radica en el rol activo que han jugado los medios de
comunicación y a su vez la viralización del tema en las redes sociales, ya que de
esta manera se ha visibilizado y concientizado a las personas sobre este tipo de
violencia, informándoles sobre los distintos casos y muchas veces haciendo conteo
de las mujeres que han sido víctimas, lo que ha sido clave para lograr una mayor
atención al tema.
A su vez, la recopilación de diversos hechos históricos, la evolución misma de la
normativa y las constantes demandas sociales, han logrado movilizar a todo un país
con el fin de promover la igualdad y la protección de la vida de las mujeres, y de
esta manera mejorar la legislación. Uno de los hechos que marcó la agenda del año
2020 fue el caso de Gabriela Alcaíno y su madre. El caso conmovió a la comunidad,
pues se trataba de una menor de edad que fue abusada sexualmente para
posteriormente ser asesinada por su ex pololo. Este caso fue el motor para modificar
la ley de femicidio en Chile.
This study will address the crime of femicide, specifically the amendment that was cast into ACT No. 21,212, starting with the analysis of both national and international evolution in matters of eradication of gender violence. This phenomenon occurs as a result of the high numbers of murders of women, not necessarily due to an affective bond, but also incorporating those committed by sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, covering the specific violence suffered by lesbian and transgender women. Femicide is not a concept that was born in our time, rather the term dates back to the beginning of the 19th century in Europe, which has been developed over the years by various specialists and academics who seek a definition as appropriate as possible to reality. Currently, this term taking on a greater importance lies in the active role the media have played when covering the cases and in the viralization of them in social networks. Through social networks people have made this problem visible, have made other users aware of it by viralizing the different cases, and even counting the women who have been victims. All this has been crucial to achieving greater attention to the matter. At the same time, the compilation of various historical facts, the evolution of the regulations, and the constant social demands have managed to mobilize an entire country in order to promote equality and the protection of women's lives, thus improving the legislation. One of the events that marked the 2020 agenda was the case of Gabriela Alcaíno and her mother. The case shocked the community, since Gabriela, who was a minor, was sexually abused and killed by her ex-boyfriend. This case was the engine to modify the femicide law in Chile.
This study will address the crime of femicide, specifically the amendment that was cast into ACT No. 21,212, starting with the analysis of both national and international evolution in matters of eradication of gender violence. This phenomenon occurs as a result of the high numbers of murders of women, not necessarily due to an affective bond, but also incorporating those committed by sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, covering the specific violence suffered by lesbian and transgender women. Femicide is not a concept that was born in our time, rather the term dates back to the beginning of the 19th century in Europe, which has been developed over the years by various specialists and academics who seek a definition as appropriate as possible to reality. Currently, this term taking on a greater importance lies in the active role the media have played when covering the cases and in the viralization of them in social networks. Through social networks people have made this problem visible, have made other users aware of it by viralizing the different cases, and even counting the women who have been victims. All this has been crucial to achieving greater attention to the matter. At the same time, the compilation of various historical facts, the evolution of the regulations, and the constant social demands have managed to mobilize an entire country in order to promote equality and the protection of women's lives, thus improving the legislation. One of the events that marked the 2020 agenda was the case of Gabriela Alcaíno and her mother. The case shocked the community, since Gabriela, who was a minor, was sexually abused and killed by her ex-boyfriend. This case was the engine to modify the femicide law in Chile.
Memoria (Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas)--Universidad Finis Terrae, 2021
Lugar de Publicación
Santiago, Chile
Palabras clave
Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Chile (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 CL)