Prevalencia de caries en primeros molares permanentes en pacientes de 6 a 12 años de la clínica del niño y adolescente menor de la universidad finis terrae, desde el año 2018 a 2020
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Universidad Finis Terrae (Chile) Facultad de Odontología
Introducción: El primer molar permanente (PMP) es considerado el diente más importante para la dentición, ya que juega un papel clave en la oclusión, el crecimiento maxilar y la fisiología del sistema masticatorio. Las consecuencias de su daño o pérdida han sido ampliamente reportadas en varios estudios, siendo estas perjudiciales para el desarrollo oral normal del infante.
Objetivo: Conocer la prevalencia de caries de los primeros molares permanentes en pacientes de 6 a 12 años de la clínica del niño y adolescente menor de la Universidad Finis Terrae, desde el año 2018 a 2020.
Material y método: Diseño transversal sobre la base de datos de fichas clínicas de los pacientes pediátricos atendidos durante el período 2018 a 2020 en la Facultad de Odontología. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables estudiadas sexo, edad y prevalencia de caries utilizando índice COPD recomendado por la OMS para estudios en comunidades.
Resultados: La prevalencia de caries en el PMP fue de 23,4 %, una cifra inferior a la reportada en otros estudios nacionales. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto a la distribución por sexo.
Se observó un incremento de la prevalencia de caries conforme aumentó la edad. La mayor prevalencia de caries del PMP fue de 57,1% a los 12 años. Conclusiones: En Chile existen pocos estudios con información referente a la situación del Primer Molar Permanente y sobre todo que sean recientes. Este estudio es el primero realizado en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Finis Terrae y se espera que sea un incentivo para continuar realizando investigaciones respecto a la situación de salud del PMP utilizando otras metodologías que involucren además necesidades de tratamiento, de esta manera acercarse lo más posible a la situación real de país permitiendo el desarrollo y/o evaluación de medidas de salud pública en el área odontológica.
Introduction: The first permanent molar (PMP) is considered the most important tooth for dentition, since it plays a key role in occlusion, maxillary growth and the physiology of the masticatory system. The consequences of its damage or loss have been widely reported in various studies, being harmful to the normal oral development of the infant. Objective: To know the prevalence of caries of the first permanent molars in patients from 6 to 12 years of age from the clinic for children and minor adolescents of the Finis Terrae University, from 2018 to 2020. Material and method: Cross-sectional design based on the data of clinical records of pediatric patients treated during the period 2018 to 2020 at the Faculty of Dentistry. A descriptive analysis of the variables studied: sex, age and caries prevalence was carried out using the COPD index recommended by the WHO for studies in communities. Results: The prevalence of caries in the PMP was 23.4%, a figure lower than that reported in other national studies. There were no statistically significant differences regarding the distribution by sex. An increase in the prevalence of caries was observed as age increased. The highest prevalence of caries in the PMP was 57.1% at 12 years. Conclusions: In Chile there are few studies with information regarding the situation of the First Permanent Molar and above all that are recent. This study is the first carried out at the School of Dentistry of the Finis Terrae University and is expected to be an incentive to continue conducting research regarding the health situation of the PMP using other methodologies that also involve treatment needs, thus approaching what as possible to the real situation of the country allowing the development and/or evaluation of public health measures in the dental field.
Introduction: The first permanent molar (PMP) is considered the most important tooth for dentition, since it plays a key role in occlusion, maxillary growth and the physiology of the masticatory system. The consequences of its damage or loss have been widely reported in various studies, being harmful to the normal oral development of the infant. Objective: To know the prevalence of caries of the first permanent molars in patients from 6 to 12 years of age from the clinic for children and minor adolescents of the Finis Terrae University, from 2018 to 2020. Material and method: Cross-sectional design based on the data of clinical records of pediatric patients treated during the period 2018 to 2020 at the Faculty of Dentistry. A descriptive analysis of the variables studied: sex, age and caries prevalence was carried out using the COPD index recommended by the WHO for studies in communities. Results: The prevalence of caries in the PMP was 23.4%, a figure lower than that reported in other national studies. There were no statistically significant differences regarding the distribution by sex. An increase in the prevalence of caries was observed as age increased. The highest prevalence of caries in the PMP was 57.1% at 12 years. Conclusions: In Chile there are few studies with information regarding the situation of the First Permanent Molar and above all that are recent. This study is the first carried out at the School of Dentistry of the Finis Terrae University and is expected to be an incentive to continue conducting research regarding the health situation of the PMP using other methodologies that also involve treatment needs, thus approaching what as possible to the real situation of the country allowing the development and/or evaluation of public health measures in the dental field.
Tesis (Cirujano Dentista)--Universidad Finis Terrae, 2022
Lugar de Publicación
Santiago, Chile
Palabras clave
Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Chile (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 CL)